Always FREE! Find new LEADS from your Out Of Office replies
Have a LARGER set of emails to be mined ? Extract, mine, scrape and parse email addresses. Or phone numbers , names and designations from your OOO replies or any emails. Reach out to us on or Call us: +1 248 270 5748
Happy customers like you
Are you an email marketeer, or responsible for lead generation? If yes, then you know how Out of office replies, can be difficult.
Do you track replies from your email campaigns? HaiLeads pulls all new contact details for you from these email replies.
Email data decay
Marketing Sherpas research reveals B2B data decays at a rapid 2.1% per month, a whopping 22.5% annually.
HaiLeads captures email bounce and replies, presenting alternative high-quality leads with additional contact options.
How does it work?
HaiLeads is an AI based tool that will mine your OOO replies. For new email addresses, phone numbers, names and designations. And notifies if it is a human written reply.